Englishmen doesn’t explain this difference: United Kingdom, England and Great Britain
As non-Englishmen most people do mistakes using the popular regional terms such ‘UK’, ‘England’ and the ‘Britain’. Let’s break into this step-by-step.
First of all, United Kingdom is not a single country instead it’s “Country of countries”. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are mentioned under the term the ‘United Kingdom’. The people in those territories are all citizens of United Kingdom and all have the same passport. Great Britain is the regional term used for the territories including England and Scotland except the islands of Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, Isle of Wight , Clyde and Isle of Anglesey. Northern Island and Republic Ireland are the countries of Ireland while only the Northern part(country)is under the name of the British Government and the United Kingdom.
So Next time carefully use those terms in front of the Europeans especially in-front of the Englishmen.